ConTEXt Group

Registration form

Female Male     Born on   
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email
Phone country prefix; number without leading zeroes
I'm a pregraduate student

Home address
* Address
* Town/City Post code
* Country

* List me as a member: on the public page to other members nowhere
If you want to be on the list of members, we will only publish your name, organization and web page.
Other data such as email, phone number, and address will remain private.

* Type of payment bank transfer paypal
I need a printed invoice/receipt sent via snail mail.
Membership fee is 40 EUR and 20 EUR for students. Invoices and receipts will be sent by email only, unless you need a printed copy.


Turing test
* I'm a human being    Please start a ConTeXt document or write the first name of its author.
You only need to fill in the following data if you need multiple addresses.

Shipping address
  same as home address different (please fill in)
Town/City Post code:
This is the address where conference proceedings will be sent. You only need to fill it in if it is different from your home address.

Invoice address
  same as shipping same as home different
Town/City Post code:
This is the address where invoices will be sent. You only need to fill it in if different from your other addresses.